For most of his life Rev. Carlson worked 50-70+ hrs/Week.

He was formerly founder and president of Aerospace Associates Inc.(AAI) of Colorado Springs CO. (Dec. 1976-Jan 1999)  In the Defense Industry, he has held many positions, notably; employed as a Radar Systems Engineer, a Senior Software Engineer, a Radar Site Analyst, and as an Aerospace Scientist.  In this industry through AAI, he was an industry consultant for 20 years. 

He helped design and install some of our largest Missile warning radar systems, BMEWS and PAVE PAWS; he developed Requirements Analysis Specifications including mathematical specifications for several space projects (DSP and MCCC). He has taught courses and tutored students in the areas of Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Vector Analysis, Theory of Equations, Orbital Mechanics, and RADAR Systems. 

The list of Aerospace and other scientific publications include more than 250 documents (some of book or larger sizes) generated for many employers in the defense industry.  One of these written in 1962 is a book that derives the equations for orbital mechanics as applied to satellites and ballistic missiles for single site radar stations. Another for the AirForce Satellite Control Network (AFSCN), was a mathematical Specification For the Calibration of the Defense Satellite Program’s (DSP) 16 Ground Stations Worldwide. These are available upon request from the author.

Since 2011 Rev. Carlson has written, edited, and published on Create Space/AMAZON, 31 books for our School, The Colorado Free Bible College. These were written mostly from Class notes and computerized information saved over a period of 45 years. His first computer was a “CPM” machine purchased in 1976. This book “THINGS MODERN MAN HAS FORGOTTEN”, was written (2018) because of the increasing secularization of our society which extends into our educational and religious institutions, down even into our local Churches.

Rev. Norman Carlson
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