This Book contains English translations and complete Greek Text (Parsed) for 1281 conditional clauses contained in the Greek New Testament, on 524 pages of English, Greek, and Hebrew Text.
These conditional sentences (clauses) are examined as they appear in several textual traditions.
The book quotes extensively from authors such as A. T. Robertson, Miles Stanford, Robert "Bob" Cornuke, W. Newell, Kenneth Wuest, Stanley A. Ellisen, Earl Radmacher, Galen Currah, and of course Larry Pierce Designer and Implementer of The ONLINE BIBLE. A methodology used for the determination of the various conditions is contained in Section 1, and slightly expanded from Chpt 31 of my “Exegetical Greek Grammar of the New Testament and LXX”.
This book was designed and is essential for busy Pastor/Teachers, Missionaries, Sunday School Teachers, and all Disciples of our LORD Jesus the Messiah. If you don't have any Greek background, this book will ease you into its 'mysteries' with little pain, but will also give the meaning and reasoning behind the use of the various conditional aspects contained in the Greek Manuscripts. It also provides the student with a wealth of theological information.