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Hello, My name is Norman E. “Swede” Carlson – President of the Colorado Free Bible College. We have been teaching the Original Languages of the Bible (Hebrew and Greek since 1973.
Our work, along with teaching an array of Bible subjects, is to provide free materials to our students. At this point in time (2015) most of our textbooks will be downloadable FOR FREE! Courses may be taken for credit (For Free) by simply registering on this website. We offer two degree programs:

1. An ASSOCIATE BACHELOR OF BIBLICAL ARTS, a three year program.

All our books are in PDF and/or EPUB format.

Please note the copyright notice on the left side. All works on this website are covered by the Creative Commons license cited in the notice.

Happy Reading!


 The Term T.U.L.I.P. to describe the Reformed doctrine of Predestination, was first coined by a 20th century theologian by the name of Loraine Boettner. Covered in our book are the subjects of the two natures of man, the doctrine of God’s Foreknowledge, Predestination, Election, Calling, Justification, Preservation and Glorification of believers. It also provides a refutation of an old heresy called Pelagianism. The denial of Original Sin; otherwise Biblically referred to as The Old Man or The Adamic Nature. This heresy has been around since the 4th Century and has been blamed on Pelagius , a 4th century heretic. Pelagius and/or his followers believed that man was good and not inherently evil, as Paul (especially) in Rom 6-8m etc.

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY - Vol. IV, Ecclesiology And Eschatology

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY - Vol. IV, Ecclesiology And Eschatology, 2017 Create Space/AMAZON Publishers, ISBN-13:978-1974559695, ISBN-10:1974559696, N. Carlson. 355 pages


This volume is intended to derive from Biblical and many other relevant sources the Major and many Minor facts about the Church of our LORD Jesus, The Messiah, and the Dispensational doctrines of the Prophetic Word of God. Shown also are a majority of fulfilled prophecies. These are shown to augment one’s faith in the reliability of the prophetic word of God. As an adjunct to our study Appendix E has been reproduced from Vol I Appendix B, to enable quicker reference.

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Vol III Hamartiology And Soteriology31

This volume is intended to energize the Christian unto the greater knowledge of, and service in, the cause of our Savior and LORD, Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who is e Messiah of Israel (the Christ - which is not His last name but a title.) The first portion (Hamartiology) teaches the Past Present and Future States of The human dilemma. Soteriology teaches the solution to this dilemma due to the Love of God for His elect ones, featuring Faith in the Eternal Son of God’s Vicarious Atonement where He gave His human life on the Stauros (Tree, Torture Stake Joh 3:14) as this Atonement for the SINS (Acts) of the whole world. He didn’t die for the SIN (The Adamic Nature) of all men since Adam and Eve.

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Vol. V - Christology And Pneumatology

This, Vol V, of “A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY”, Concerns the Person and Work of The LORD Jesus, Who died on a Torture Stake for the acts of sin (Sins) of the whole world. 1 Jo 2:1-2 states this claim beyond argument. The Theological study of the person and work of Christ Jesus is called Christology. As previous writings have stated, we are more concerned with what the Bible says about any doctrine, rather than what our own human minds might recover. Many Bible quotes are presented to ensure that doctrines presented have been developed and stated to ensure the accuracy of our statements.

Secondly, we shall develop the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, which is called Pneumatology.

The development of these two subjects would indeed take more time and space and knowledge of any man.


This section is patterned after Chafer (Vol VII).  It is recommended that topical words like FAITH, REDEMPTION, PROPITIATION, etc., be elaborated from the student's study like the example below.  These topical words (English) are often the translation of more than one Greek or Hebrew word (or one Greek or Hebrew word may be translated by more than one English word(s)).  It might be reasonable to structure each topic like the word studies found in Trench[1] or Vine[2].  A more ambitious set of word study tools (although not theologically conservative is found in Kittel[3].  Similar works are found in the Hebrew

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, Vol I Prolegamena, Theology Proper, Bibliology

This workbook is a space expanded (but not a copy of my original one volume book Titled AN EXPERIMENTAL WORKBOOK FOR THE INDUCTIVE PRODUCTION OF A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, which was almost a) copy of the Outline given in Chafers Systematic Theology Volume VIII1.) set of books.

A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, Vol II Angelology And Anthropology

This Volume provides much information not found in other (older) Systematic Theologies, about Angels, especially the evil ones. It provides Biblical and certain Apocryphal books, and with archaeological  information, on the Giants of the Bible, The offspring of the mating of Evil Angels (sons of God) with the daughters of men, are called Nephilim, whose death produced the demons, the disembodied Spirits that have infected the World system since the pre-flood era. 

The section on Anthropology is standard. It does, however, declare and defend the doctrine of the two aspects of Sin. The Adamic nature (SIN) and the resultant acts produced by this nature (Sins), for which (the Sins) Christ died. These subjects are expanded in Hamartiology and Soteriology.


The subject of the Worship of God has been on my heart for years. From my first experience with real Christianity in 1964 in Alaska to my present sedentary (‘Disabled’ condition, the worship subject has come up over and over in my mind. Worship:

1. Who does it?

2. Who should do it?

3 How should it be done?

4. When (How often) should it be done?

5. Where should it be done?

6. Why should it be done?

7. What constitutes proper Worship?

It’s our hope that this volume will answer most if not all of these nagging questions.

All The Conditional Sentences (Clauses) In The Greek New Testament

 This Book contains English translations and complete Greek Text (Parsed) for 1281 conditional clauses contained in the Greek New Testament, on 524 pages of English, Greek, and Hebrew Text.

These conditional sentences (clauses) are examined as they appear in several textual traditions.

The book quotes extensively from authors such as A. T. Robertson, Miles Stanford, Robert "Bob" Cornuke, W. Newell, Kenneth Wuest, Stanley A. Ellisen, Earl Radmacher, Galen Currah, and of course Larry Pierce Designer and Implementer of The ONLINE BIBLE. A methodology used for the determination of the various conditions is contained in Section 1, and slightly expanded from Chpt 31 of my “Exegetical Greek Grammar of the New Testament and LXX”.

All The Names, Titles, And Attributes Of God

These Names, Title, and Attributes of God are given (by me, NEC} in the Original Greek Aramaic, or Hebrew, along with English translation (often transliterated) with Bible Reference(s) and often partial and sometimes complete verse listed in the original language along with an English translation, and comments. These appear in an alphabetized list of 235 Names Titles and Attributes of God from the New and Old Testaments, Finally, There is a sermon outline of Psm 23 (A Camping Trip With God - I've taken many) preached several times (in Alaska and Colorado) in several churches. This message is using the methodology of Dr. A. B. Whiting And Dr.
