This volume is intended to energize the Christian unto the greater knowledge of, and service in, the cause of our Savior and LORD, Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who is e Messiah of Israel (the Christ - which is not His last name but a title.) The first portion (Hamartiology) teaches the Past Present and Future States of The human dilemma. Soteriology teaches the solution to this dilemma due to the Love of God for His elect ones, featuring Faith in the Eternal Son of God’s Vicarious Atonement where He gave His human life on the Stauros (Tree, Torture Stake Joh 3:14) as this Atonement for the SINS (Acts) of the whole world. He didn’t die for the SIN (The Adamic Nature) of all men since Adam and Eve. Instead as we’ll see, the Bible (Which is our authority; in the original languages, and with proper interpretive principles (Hermeneutics)) will show us why many ill trained either purposely or mostly by slovenliness, have not used their Hebrew or Greek texts to determine the meaning of 1 Jo 2:1-2;
1 Jo 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
2 And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
Or as ATCCSITGNT[i] has determined, John recognizes that all men (& women) commit acts of sin, he uses the third class conditional clause, here. Then in verse 2, he states definitely that Jesus is heaven’s satisfaction (propitiation) for our SINS (acts of the SIN Nature) and not for ours only (i.e., Christians) but for the SINS (not SIN) of the whole world! Hence, the sins of men are not an issue in God’s Judgement plans; ONLY THE INDIVIDUALS WORKS, Saved (1 Co 5:10) or Unsaved (Rev:20:12-13). This important criterion must be believed in order that Proper Preaching takes place.
[i] ALL THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (CLAUSES) IN THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT - If Means Since, Or, If Means Maybe, Or, ... ., 2013, Create Space/AMAZON Publishers, ISBN-13:978-1492962519, N. Carlson, 524 Pgs.