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This little project has been brewing up for 40+ years. Having been a student at The Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary (WCBTS), I made friends with a man (now Dr. Galen Currah) who wrote his masters dissertation on The Spirituals. As best I could I’ve kept a copy of it and later scanned it to one of my early computers. After Graduation he was appointed a missionary to Senegal. Galen was a Grandson of one of my early Missionary Pastors; Rev. D. Vernon Harrah.
While attending the Mesa Hills Bible Church (MHBC) in Colorado Springs, CO we were fortunate to be mentored by one of the greats in the area of The Christian Identification Truths (Esp. Rom 6-8). This man, Miles J. Stanford and his wife Cornelia gave us some of the literature he had developed over the years. These, published by the Living Spring Press in Hong Kong, CH, were later combined into a larger publication by Moody Press. In the 1990’s Miles made several trips to my house to learn briefly about computers. As far as this book is concerned, We all need to learn to:
“ABIDE ABOVE”; Eph 2:5-7. These messages were delivered as a series to local churches in Colorado and Alaska.