These Names, Title, and Attributes of God are given (by me, NEC} in the Original Greek Aramaic, or Hebrew, along with English translation (often transliterated) with Bible Reference(s) and often partial and sometimes complete verse listed in the original language along with an English translation, and comments. These appear in an alphabetized list of 235 Names Titles and Attributes of God from the New and Old Testaments, Finally, There is a sermon outline of Psm 23 (A Camping Trip With God - I've taken many) preached several times (in Alaska and Colorado) in several churches. This message is using the methodology of Dr. A. B. Whiting And Dr. Milton Jones, But is a combination of a Textual and a Topical Expository Message[1].
By the time our readers have finished this book, they should have a deeper understanding of God, and a better knowledge for use in Preaching, Teaching, and Evangelizing the lost.
[1] EXEGETICAL HOMILETICS, The A.B. Whiting – Milton Jones Methodology, 2015, Create Space/AMAZON Publishers, ISBN-13: 978-1499280364, N. Carlson. 349 Pgs.