This workbook is a space expanded (but not a copy of my original one volume book Titled AN EXPERIMENTAL WORKBOOK FOR THE INDUCTIVE PRODUCTION OF A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, which was almost a) copy of the Outline given in Chafers Systematic Theology Volume VIII1.) set of books. Suggestions for the use of this workbook to accumulate and identify materials are presented in the section titled SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY -A METHODOLOGY. This workbook is presented as a tool for the systematic theology aspect of the various classroom courses taught by the author. Classes covering the materials for the course have been taught in the author's home and in or in cooperation with local churches and institutions of higher learning. There are many men and ladies, authors, teachers, and books, who have encouraged me through the years. The materials are theirs and those from whom they learned. My special thanks go to my first pastor, Vernon Crouse and his wife Francis. They taught us, exercised us and were a continual source of example to my family while we were at Clear Alaska, 1964-1965. To the Seminary staff at the Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland Oregon who provided most of the information through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, I'd like to express my great appreciation. To Drs. Radmacher and Ellison (Hermeneutics), Dr. Milton Jones (Homiletics), Dr. F. R. Howe (Hebrew and Apologetics), and to Dr. Duane Dunham (New Testament Greek) you have my thanks and appreciation for allowing me to learn at your feet (I was always in awe of these great teachers of God's Truth). Rev. Erwin Ericson of Colorado Springs was my theology teacher. Miles Stanford of Colorado Springs was a great encouragement in the Christian Life truths, who kept me on the dispensational track. I'd like also to thank the previous students of the various Greek, Hebrew, Hermeneutics and Homiletics classes for your diligence and correction of my errors in preparation and presentation. "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11)
1 Used by permission of The KREGEL PUBLICATIONS © 1993 Grand Rapids, MI 49501, Permission by Telephone conversation with Jim Kregel on 4 December 1992.